Apple/Pumpkin Picking





Did you enjoy the pictures? I’m writing this post on my phone (yes, we entered the 21st century and have iPhones now) and am not too familiar with HTML so decided it’d be best to not write about the pictures above. As you can see my little apples are getting bigger!
Last Sunday after some grocery shopping, I took the kids to the nearest orchard (about 10 minutes away compared to 25 minutes like last year) hoping to get some peaches before they were gone. But alas, the owners had picked all that was left the day before. 😦 Andy didn’t mind as his favorite fruit is apples. So it became a solely Apple picking trip… Although as you can see we brought home some pumpkins too.
As always, I’ve been trying to savor time, minutes, moments here and there with my kids. Like when we got to the orchard, Andy was the only one not napping, so I decided to sit on the side of the car and play with him. So we chatted for a little bit. Then he got bored and went exploring in the van. It’s interesting what kids find that you didn’t know was hiding. Mostly, I’ve been trying to focus on not rushing. Remaining flexible and relaxed. It can be challenging at times… Like when I want to make our orchard trip short as I have groceries to put away and a house to clean at home, but then kids end up falling asleep on the drive and you have to decide to wake them or sit and relax. And them you realize that this is just what you needed to fully enjoy the outing! I know I would have still enjoyed it had I not gotten those moments of rest, but it certainly made it even better! Have you gone apple picking yet? I need to cook up the pumpkins I bought and freeze the purée for pies! A friend recently shared a tip on Facebook- you can put the pumpkin whole in a baking dish in a 400 degree oven for about 1 hour and it’s super easy to cut in half, scoop out the seeds, and then the flesh! Going to try it this week!

Basic Phones and Borrowed Curtains

This young, new wife blesses me every time! You won’t be disappointed!

Penning Graces

Drew and I have entered into a season of learning some big lessons. I suppose every season comes with some lessons if you are willing to receive them. In this season, we are willing and ready and we are having some hilarious fun so far.

For those of you who don’t know, Drew and I moved to Indiana shortly after tying the knot. Drew works as a youth sports coordinator at the Elkhart Youth and Community Center and I am working through our church and school to build relationships with girls and encourage them in their faith. Pretty cool gig.

We jumped pretty far into the unknown. Everything out here is new to us. The people, the church, the Center, the fast food restaurants, county roads, the county 4-H fair (a devastating disappointment for my city boy, NY State Fair goer), the grocery stores (I cant find lactose-free cheese ANYWHERE!)…

View original post 1,662 more words

Chocolate Mint Shake

So Monday night my husband and I had one of those hankerings for a chocolate shake. I occasionally make use chocolate protein shakes in the evenings for a treat, but the problem was that we had no milk (because after breakfast Sunday morning someone forgot to put the whole gallon of milk back in the fridge and we left for 14 hours while it sat on the table-but that’s beside the point-lol).
So I took this recipe that I had saved to try for the kids (sorry I don’t know the original source):


And I altered it slightly and made this yummy treat for us:


1 can Coconut milk
1 Banana (I only had one)
1 teaspoon Vanilla
4 tablespoons Cocoa Powder
1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon Sucanat (I didn’t have coconut sugar)
Pinch of Sea Salt
1/2 scoop Chocolate Whey Powder
Blend together.
Add 6-9 ice cubes
Blend. Then add
2-3 drops peppermint essential oil and pulse 10 times.
We really enjoyed our treat and will definitely be making it again!!!

And some nights….

And some nights we eat Wild Raspberries, Popcorn, Cheese, and Peanut Butter crackers for dinner (see my last post)!

Oh, and in case anyone was wondering… That all natural deodorant I made… It seems to be working just great! Especially since I {gasp} forgot to put it on today, and even after picking raspberries for an hour with a sweatshirt on, in this ridiculous humidity (actually, it’s really wasn’t as bad as it could have been today), I still didn’t notice until now when I was thinking I should update you all on it! You know, because I’m sure you’re all dying to know if my deodorant is… ya know… working! Lol!


Food and Plans

Some days my kids eat PB & J on hamburger buns…..


Some days I do poor planning for dinner and I’m thankful on those days for a hubby who says “don’t worry about it, let’s go to Five Guys!”



And I’m so thankful that even when I don’t plan well, it doesn’t mean I’m a bad wife or mom! Life just throws curveballs at us sometimes…. ALL the time! 🙂

DIY Natural Deoderant


So I have gotten into Essential Oils lately! Namely, DoTERRA essential oils (I do have my reasons for choosing DoTERRA and will blog about it soon)! And when I came across an all natural, easy recipe for making my own deodorant, I was thrilled! I’ve been wanting to stop using the antiperspirant I’ve been using half the time, and am excited to see if my newest recipe works!
The Recipe:
Fill 10ml roller bottle halfway with Fractionated Coconut Oil
Fill 1/2 of the remaining space with Citrus Bliss essential oil blend
And the rest with Lemon essential oil

My alterations:
Before adding the Citrus Bliss and Lemon oils, I added:
5 drops Purify (for it’s cleansing properties and ability to kill odors)
5 drops of Lavender (because I have very sensitive skin and get bumps under my arms after shaving)

First, I absolutely love the scent!!!! It’s so refreshing smelling!!! But then, I am a fan of anything citrus!

I will be posting updates as I test my new deodorant and would love to hear anyone else’s favorite deodorants, or deodorant recipes!

If you want to learn more about how you can purchase essential oils, check out my website:

Coming Back

Hello Blog! It’s me… you know the one who created you like 18 months ago and posted what, 6 times? I’m coming back… I promise! I’ve been planning to for…. 18 months or so, but I really am going to make a “come back”!

To catch up a bit, this is us, May 2013 with baby #3 growing inside me!


Now, as it turns out baby #3, our beloved Christmas baby (yes, you read that right, he was born on CHRISTMAS! At 5:58pm!) is now 7 months old, and we have yet to take a family picture other than a family “selfie” on Easter! And since upgrading to (wait for it)… SMARTPHONES (Yes, I never thought we’d actually join the 21st century and have smartphones), I haven’t gotten those pictures onto my computer yet, so hopefully I can figure out how to write blog posts from my phone! Lol!


Life is busy and full, to say the least, and the battle of the last couple weeks has been finding time to make bread, and so {gasp} I’ve bought 3 loaves of bread… so far! Yes, we try to eat healthy, but it is better to be less stressed, and maybe a little less healthy as a result!


My 3 little apples are growing like crazy and love doing school time! We’ve had a lot of fun with sensory play this month…. making Moon Sand, Play Dough, and Flubber goo! We’ve also been enjoying the community pool, as both older kids are now swimming around on their own! What projects, of fun things have you done with your kids this summer?